Analisis Penilaian Kinerja Karyawan Menggunakan Metode WASPAS



An employee is an asset to the company. The success of company in achieving its goals depends largely on ability human (employee) resources perform task assigned him. Indonesian government optimistic rupiah will continue strengthen rp9,100 per dollar, he said. Employee performance assessment analysis using a systemated aggregated sum product (waspas). waspas method used because it can reduce errors or optimize for highest and lowest valuation with excellence looking best option unique combination two Wells known as MCD mexcellence, WMM heavy-product model (WPM). research stages conducted are problem identification, literature studies, data collection, value-weight determination, results analysis, finally drawing conclusion. study descriptive qualitative approach, one that employs data. type often analyze events, phenomena, circumstances socially. was compulsively, sample retrieval technique relying own judgment when selecting population members participate so obtained five samples from quality control division (qc) 150. Data collection through interviews observations related employees such names, performance, divisions existing kerry express, criteria lateness, error system, daily report, outstanding revenue, volume. reduction gets meaningful information facilitates withdrawal conclusions, presents form happy calculations, concludes be applied system determining workers. Weight each criteria: lateness (25%), improve report revenue (15%), volume (10%). Results 5 had top yield value 1.8208 alternatives 1 (a1) could decision-making.

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عنوان ژورنال: JURIKOM (Jurnal Riset Komputer)

سال: 2022

ISSN: ['2407-389X', '2715-7393']